Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ashley and Aaron's Wedding

We had such a great time at Ashley and Aaron's wedding yesterday, and the kids were SOOOO good and SOOOO adorable. I was so proud of them. It was such a long day, and long weekend for that matter, and we got through it without any major catastrophes, meltdowns or other problems. I was pretty stressed about how the kids were going to do, until Brenda reminded me that they are just kids and no one expects them to be absolutely perfect. Besides they were so cute, I'm sure no one would have noticed if they acted up! I know I sound like I'm bragging, but I really am very proud of both of them. I have so many pictures, I'll probably put up a few at a time over the next few days. Today, we are being lazy and watching football, and putting off cleaning the house (which is a disaster, as we were in and out all weekend, and have wedding stuff strewn everywhere!) So anyway, congratulations to Ashley and Aaron, and thanks so much for letting us be a part of your special day!!!

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