Monday, May 23, 2011

Awesome #3 -- My nephew, Alex, and his Hollywood Smile

Alex is 10 today!  Happy Birthday Alex-- you are awesome at everything you do, and we love you lots!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Awesome #2 -- Girl Scouts

I've had the best time helping with Emily's Brownie troop this year.  There are 24 girls, 2nd and 3rd graders and they are so much fun.  We have gone camping and canoeing, spent the night at a childrens' museum and the aquarium, visited an animal hospital and a nursing home, learned new songs and dances, and of course, sold cookies!  I have to get Emily a new sash for next year, her old one is completely full of patches for activities and badges earned just this year. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

My Own Book of Awesome

Because I've been thinking about things that make me happy lately.

1.  Little Boys' Hair when they wake up in the morning.  Sticking out in all directions and so adorable.  (I would put a picture of Nate's hair up, but he wouldn't let me take his picture)