In April, we went to Mannford to look at German Shepherd puppies. One of them instantly took to Emily, so she chose him (or rather, he chose her) and we named him Jake. We couldn't take him home for another month. Emily could barely stand the wait.
In April, Emily's GS troop met the CEO of the Girl Scouts of Eastern Oklahoma, Roberta Preston. After talking with her, they helped clean out and weed the flower beds around the Council Offices.
In honor of the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouts, our council held a 100 hour fire celebration in Tulsa. Emily's troop got to participate in the closing ceremony, extinguishing the 100 hour fire.
Sitting around the campfire before the ceremony....
Juliette Gordon Low spoke about the founding of Girl Scouts ....
Sophia read wishes from troops in Eastern Oklahoma and threw the wish bundles into the fire....
Corinne helped recite the Girl Scout Promise and Law